Monday, April 5, 2010

Spring is Here

Griffin is 7 months old and SO CLOSE to crawling! It is hard to capture on film but he does push ups on his tippy toes and just started to get up on his knees and rock back and forth. Life is about to change yet again!

And we celebrated Griffin's first Easter with a quiet weekend at home, a long walk, and going out to lunch. He actually wore the bunny ears for a while but did not want to smile for the camera. We won and finally captured one. And I would like to point out that Griffin wore his first tie for Easter. Thanks for the adorable shirt Kathryn!

At the end of winter Griffin had figured out how to take off his hat and now with the new season he has a new hat. This one he can't take off with the little strap....not yet.

1 comment:

  1. very cute video...and I live the shirt "and" tie!! So handsome!
