Monday, July 6, 2009

Baby Reach's Little Face

Last week on July 1 I had what will probably be my final ultrasound at 32 weeks. Everything is looking good and Baby Reach is right on track. Based on the measurements they took at the appointment they think he was 4 lbs 14 oz (73%). So not as big as I thought based on Gary being such a big baby but not tiny. This isn't a great picture but they did a 3D ultrasound to try and see his face. It is a little blocked and fuzzy but fun to share.


  1. He is just adorable, just like Daddy. Rachael, I need to see some baby pictures of you for comparison.

  2. He is such a cutie pie!! just a few more days! I can't wait to buy a little teeny tiny outfit for him!

  3. Ummm that last comment was me, Angelica, not RJ. RJ would have definitely made a more manly comment.
