Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Welcome to our new blog!

Hello world! As we get ready to add a little member to our family and move into our first home we thought this would be a good way to stay in touch and keep everyone up to date. And since we both are still avoiding facebook, we hope this will suffice.

We have a lot going this year but they are all good things and we feel very lucky. I am now 16 weeks and 5 days pregnant with our first child and we can't wait to meet this baby. Most of you won't be surprised to hear that we are definitely finding out if it is a boy or a girl as soon as we can. Then, let the real planning begin. Pink or blue? What do you think?

Tomorrow we are closing on our new condo in Chicago! We will update with pictures and details once we move in. We do realize that over the last nine years we have known each other we have lived is so many apartments it is ridiculous. Although as G just reminded me, one of them we even stayed in for two years! We are finally putting down roots...

More to come!


  1. Hello, homeowners,

    Congratulations on the house. I know you are thrilled to have it finalized. And you will need the space for the baby. Though they are tiny, they need lots of "stuff". Pink or blue? Who cares? I just cannot wait to have my first grandchild in my arms.

    Love you,

  2. Wow. Gary using tools. I never thought I'd see the day. It a proud day for the Picas. The orange does not look as bright as I thought. Not bad at all. Besides, you can barely see it with all your stuff inside. Good job, Gar.
