Thursday, June 9, 2011


This is from a few weeks ago, just a couple of nights after Griffin first figured out how to get out of his crib. We did this every 60 seconds for about 2 hours until he finally gave in and went to sleep. I was so tired from putting him back in for 2 hours straight and I can't believe he wasn't tired from all the climbing out.

Isn't it amazing how good he got at it?! And he was so proud of himself every time he came walking out of his room. We found a solution until he is old enough for the toddler bed and put the mattress of the crib right on the floor. He can't get out now and we are all sleeping much better!


  1. That's such fun to watch! And good that he wants out of his crib before the new baby Kathleen : ) gets in here in September

  2. I love that he took his stuffed animal with him...haha
